Thursday, May 20, 2010

15 Minutes

Zach got his name in the local paper this week, for "a hard hit in the bottom of the second." (A little overkill for 5-year-0ld T-ball, in my opinion, but...)

Zach: Does this mean I'm as famous as Obama, or, like, God, now?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Of Mice and (Police) Men

Zach had the pleasure of riding to school in a police car today. His friend, Jack, won the trip at the school auction and invited Zach to join him. The boys sat in the back seat, where there were bars behind the windows and no door handles on the inside. After a discussion with Officer Campbell about why that might be, Zach started firing away with hypothetical dilemmas...

Zach: What if you had a bad guy in the back seat, and he had a potion that can make him into a mouse, and he could climb up and crawl out right between the bars!

Officer: I don't know what I'd do if that happened!

Zach: Well, you should just roll up the window.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Patriot Games

While in the gift shop at Sturbridge Village, Zach was lobbying hard to buy his first cap gun...

Betsy: Why do you want a gun so much?

Zach: Well, all of my friends have weapons and I only have one gun. What are we supposed to do when someone comes over? Who gets the gun?


And also I really, really love America.