Saturday, December 12, 2009


Zach was great today helping Mommy in the grocery store. As a reward he got a bunch of orange stickers from the checkout lady.

Few minutes later as we are driving home, we turn around to see what he has done with the stickers while his sister was sleeping.....

Friday, December 11, 2009

Proclamation from Katie

To Zach: When I grow up, I be a CHEF!

... And you be a SHOW DOG!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Little Sisters

Confiding in his friend, Jack: Yeah, but I think Katie would be even more annoying if she were crying.

Monday, December 7, 2009


At the end of dessert, Bets asks me for another tangerine. So I get up, grab one and underhand toss it to her. After a successful catch she beams with pride, and then catches herself, looks at both children who just saw this and says:

Bets: Kids, Don’t Throw Food! Never Throw Food!

Katie then looks up to me and says:

Katie: “Daddy, No throwing food!”


Katie: “Now go and sit in time out!“

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas '09 Requests

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I have been a good girl. For Christmas, I would like a car, some popcorn, oatmeal and some acorns. Love, Katie

Merry Christmas, Santa! I hope Ruldolf's ok. I'll give him lots of carrots when you come down the chimney. And what I want is a race car set with a kitty and a bunny in a race car, and you can take the kitty and the bunny out of the race car. With an easy way to store it in the car. And I want a Santa's sleigh hanging out of my stocking. I don't want a Bat Cave. Bye, Santa. I hope you have a Merry Christmas, yourself! Love, Zach

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Shopping List

Ah, Dad. This is to remind you that we now have more pits than olives...