Saturday, October 31, 2009

Katie in the Leaves

Katie was having fun getting tossed into a huge pile of leaves.

As she dug her self out she looked at Betsy with a big smile, lifted her hand to show something and said:

"Look what I found! A leaf!"

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Zach: Dad, why does the water stick to the planet and not go up in the air?

Betsy to Charlie: It’s because of gravity, right?

Charlie: No. It’s because of the magnetic field. Water is affected by magnetic fields.

Betsy: Wait, no. It’s gravity, right?

Charlie: No, I was kidding. It’s really the fish. The water clumps around them and keeps the water on the planet.

Betsy: No, really. It’s the gravity right?

Charlie: Nope! It’s the Fish.

Betsy: Zach, you do know I’m a Doctor, right?